Axis 2

Last update: 22 April 2021

Agroecological crop and livestock protection


The main objectives are to reduce the uses of diversity of pesticides while provide economic benefits for farmers and improve health of rural communities and land. The research line could contribute to develop a “zero pesticides landscape” and a shift from chemical pesticides to biological control by exploring the ways of biological controls, Integrated Pest Management (IPM; e.g. duck, fish and rice field and crop livestock integration) and improving the diversity of crops and practices IMP.

This research work is justified on 3 main points: (1) avoid the spread of diseases and viruses; (2) face the current diseases (e.g. Banana) and viruses (e.g. Cassava); and (3) adjust to the news laws and regulation (e.g. Ban on Herbicides or pesticides).

Research could contribute to the global goals of food quality, food safety and one health.

This research axis could mobilize a diversity of research skills, such as biotechnologist, geneticist, soil health scientist, crop health, animal scientist, entomologist, pathologist, etc.


Understand the current research on Agroecological crop protection. There are a diversity of initiatives on black pepper, cassava, maize, coffee, Banana, etc. A census of what has been done, research carried out, practices described and developed, knowledge produced seems necessary.

Understand the dynamics of Soil born pests and disease (SBPD) and more broadly diseases and virus. Get a global overview of current and past movements, known modes of dispersion (where? how?)

Carry out mapping and remote sensing for disease and virus surveillance using soil health indicators, measured on geolocated fields contribute to develop early warning systems (link with climate data) to keep under-control the outbreak of the disease and virus

Understand the practices and the news options by context (ex. Local herbal used…) and assess their economic and added value, the quality of life, welfare etc.

Develop participative research and farmers innovations to design new technologies and practices and provide it to the users (microbiome, news crop and livestock practices, repellent, attractive crops…)

Training to farmers, to support the change of practices, to convince and involve farmers, policy makers and consumers (food safety), to increase the knowledge and awareness of the private suppliers on current products, recommendations and regulations

Design the business model to improve the adoption of new technologies and practices. Link with the private sector to improve the production, processing, packaging and marketing (link with Line 4 - Innovative interventions and support mechanisms).


  1. Reduce the wild spread of disease and virus in the region
  2. Contribute to develop a decision-making tool, to help the definition of farmers recommendation
  3. Feed the policy dialogue with scientific knowledge and evidence and contribute to the awareness of the policy on one health, and impacts of pesticides uses

Last update: 22 April 2021