Other Resources

Other open-access agroecology data resources


It is an open online platform for agriculture. It contributes to Making Agriculture Climate-Smart by noticeably improving the possibilities for cooperation between worldwide agricultural players. Its content is provided by its worldwide community, and highlights all ideas, projects, innovation that in some way contribute to the achievement of two high stake objectives:

  • Mitigating green-house gas (GHG) emissions
  • Adapting to climate change


Open Library

it is a virtual library on agro-ecology with a collection of documents from the Aida Research Unit (CIRAD) to share knowledge and experiences on agro-ecology.


The Open Collaborative Platform of CIRCASA project

It is an open collaboration platform developed to structure and integrate existing knowledge on soil organic carbon sequestration in agriculture. Scientists, farmers, smallholders, stakeholders are invited to collaborate and share perspectives, experiences and practices.



As part of the 4 /1000 initiative, a web portal and database are collecting data on soil carbon sequestration on a global scale. 



The open access database of the Eficas project "Eco-Friendly Intensification and Climate resilient Agricultural Systems” presents resilience assessment data for different villages in Laos:


Soil is Life

This channel is focus on e-learning, agroecology in Cambodia and make soil sustainable for agriculture. 
